Monday, September 17, 2007

the hurricanes didn't sweep me away...

**this update is purely just to inform the world of blogs and bloggers that I do, in fact, still exist. sorry for the interruption- i'll get back to recounting my journal pages when i actually have a moment at a computer (not always easy) that hasn't already been set aside for work or family/friends**'s not just laziness that has kept me from updating. Summer Teacher Training, two category 5 hurricanes headed our way, loads of books being delivered, Peace Corps trainings, and now school starting. September... the month of celebrations in Belize. How did it sneak up on me like this? I guess they do say this is a 24/7 job...

Well, this was like cheating... skipping ahead quite a few pages in the journal for just a moment- a sneak peek at the "future" of my story, but consider it a consolation prize for now : )

cheers mi ballys!